Bailey Koch RD has the following tips for you:

  • Plan ahead! 
  • Call the restaurant or look them up on the internet to determine which foods are safe for you to eat.  Be informative, not demanding.
  • Identify yourself and your special dietary needs.  Be dramatic and tell them you have a severe wheat allergy.  Most people understand an allergy but may not be familiar with celiac disease or gluten.
  • Carry a "restaurant card" with you.

      This is a credit card-size allergy list stating what you can eat and what you can't--and              how to avoid cross contamination (see our blogpost on hidden gluten)  

  • Be very specific when ordering.
  • Order simple foods.
  • Send un-safe foods back!
  • Tip well if served well! 
  • At fast food restaurants, go inside to order.
  • If attending a party, offer to bring a gluten-free dish.  You can always eat at home so you won’t be tempted by gluten-containing or questionable foods.
  • Avoid buffets
  • Ensure that fried foods are cooked in dedicated fryers.


What about School?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

·         Law states that patients with Celiac Disease have the right to safe, gluten free meals and snacks in educational programs that receive federal funds.

·         Requires a letter from your physician.  Letter must be very detailed and explain the following:

o   What is Celiac Disease?  Why does it require a gluten free diet?

o   Not adhering to a gluten free diet WILL affect learning

o   Foods to be omitted

o   Foods to be served

·         See additional handouts provided from the American Celiac Disease Alliance

We will keep you updated with our suggestions and recommendations --and we will add those from other parents and families as well.